Saturday 2 November 2013

Thor 2 and some other stuff

Just came home from Thor: The dark world.
And i have to say Thor is now Officially my favourite avenger.
I've seen the all the movies of the avengers(ironman,cap america etc) and I've always been torn between them. :/

The movie tied in really well with the first Thor movie and story-wise, it was solid. With the appearance of Thor(obviously), loki, odin and all their other friends, it was great to see the funny bits breaking up the great story and epic fights.

 You would think a movie like this one with stunning visual effects and heart-pumping action would have cliche one-liners tossed back and forth but nooooooo, this movie really had great moments that were truly worth a good chuckle and I'm glad they had good writers as not only was it entertaining, it also helped to enhance the kind of story they were protraying.
 As Thor was originally put on paper, the comic-ness showed through really well. And as you know, Stan Lee always makes an appearance in any marvel comic movie. So look out!

Definitely a 8.3/10

Aside from the movie, School has been picking up recently being the second week and i'm still as sloth-like as ever. Been thinking about what i want to do in life. I don't really look forward to becoming an engineer in networking and infocommunication so i need to think of what I feel would be more suitable. Been thinking about making videos on youtube or becoming a film maker of some kind as i would like to be able to express myself creatively. So I'm not really sure where to go from here. What i do know is that I want to tell stories in some form or another. And sadly, procrastination is my best friend. We hang out all the time.

So have a great time doing whatever it is you guys do!
And hope you had a spooky halloween!

Friday 25 October 2013

Back into the flow~

Just finished conquering the first week of school like it was my bitch :D

The first week has been interesting. So many things i've missed and some things i've dreaded thinking about in school have slapped me in the face. And i think i handled it pretty well.
The class has some new-comers and i'm eager to lend a friendly hand to help them be as cool and awesome as i am. Got a few of their names and i'm happy they aren't too shy to talk to other people. Cause i hate the feeling of having to eat at break time alone and i know all to well how much that sucks. But anyways, the class is welcoming them with open arms.

And apparently, I think i'm in a cliche and i'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing. It's nice to feel part of a group but it's weird when you interact with others from other cliches and they seem cold even if you could be friends without any problems and yet i feel as if they cower behind the excuse of having a cliche and that they don't need to try talk to others and try making new friends. #socially annoyed

Guess thats enough ranting for today. I'm not even sure if anyone is reading this....Well, imaginery people who read my blog, have a good weekend.

Monday 21 October 2013

First day back.

The holidays are over and it's back to the workplace aka school.
I took my first official job during the holiday and it was really great to meet new people and to be able to learn so much from other teenagers who are as cynical and egotistical as i am. As well as the adults there who gave our pay a week and a half late. :L

But back to school, i was glad to see my friend Salman doing well. Funny thing is that we're really good friends yet we didn't really talk/communicate with each other during the holidays. Our friendship must really be solid! 

First lesson was computer programming which was surprisingly similar to a sandwich making class as we were doing the first question where we have to help Eunice make sandwiches and i kid you not, we knew our sandwiches.

Coming back was a big reminder of how much there is to learn from school and from the friends i've made as well as how much i can benefit from it as a person. I may find school annoying for interrupting my daily semi-24 hour nap but i know it's all for a better future. 

Last bit here, I've been watching The Legend Of Korra and i have to say it's FRIGGIN AWESOME. Episodes 7 and 8 were epic! And so, if you're a fan of cartoons/anime/anything artisticky, you should definitely check it out online!

Here's a link :


Hello Blogspot! After much deliberation(a year), I've decided to create this blog to post random stuff about my life and about things i find interesting.
A friend of mine actually made a blog a few days ago and i feel the need to beat him at whatever he does. 
Aaaaand that was how this blog was created. It took me a few good hours to come up with a good name for it which was probably the main reason i hadn't made one earlier.
Naming things have always been a difficulty for me, i learned it the hard way when i tried to pick a name for my starter pokemon.( i was 9)
Ever since, making online usernames and signing up for emails have been a horrible experience for me and now i resort to random words as replacement.
I swear, i think it's a condition.